The Story
VirtualGold® has been created by a group of Investors who decided to provide a trustable and alternative payment solution based on a commodity trading platform backed by real Gold.
VirtualGold® is now offering a convenient, cost effective and simple way to buy gold and to protect assets. Read More
VirtualGold® is proud to offer to his clients the most user-friendly multi currencies platform using Gold as main reference.
To fit regulation requirement, VirtualGold® platform has been redesigned for the last few years in order to meet new criteria’s and now technologies with the era of the crypto currencies, it seemed evident that consumers wanted to have access to a more secure alternative to their money.
By offering transparent access to precious metals, VirtualGold® will offer to their clients with the ability to safeguard their wealth in times of crisis.
The new Platform has been launched in early 2016 and provides world wide access to Gold investment.
The currency
VirtualGold is a flexible e-commerce enabled Global Digital Payment System (GDPS). VirtualGold is a unit of electronic currency that can be used by individuals and businesses worldwide to trade on the Internet. 100% of users funds circulated within the system are backed by real bullion stored in secure facilities. Read More
A gram of gold is represented as VGg in the VirtualGold system. VirtualGold dollars is represented by VGg . VGg is equivalent in value to the converted currency used for exchange, like the US dollar and is used to perform all transactions within the system. The amount of VGg in an account will fluctuate as the price of gold fluctuates. Exchange rates are provided by TheGoldCompanies. The balance of VirtualGold accounts are displayed in both VGg (s) and VG$ (s) or in any currencies used or provided by the platform.
With offices in Panama, USA, UK and Australia, VirtualGold Corp is offering a state of art services.
Our hardware and servers are located at various locations worldwide.
Why Gold
The Gold has always fascinated the humanity.
Gold has always been powerful stuff thanks to its association with the treasures, the gods and the immortality. Because of the efforts made to obtain it, humans intuitively placed a high value on gold even before it was a money.Read More
His history began thousands of years ago in remote antiquity.
It was first discovered in its natural state as a shiny, lustrous and beautiful yellow nugget and occurred to many different groups because of its spreading throughout the geologic world. Everybody was impressed with gold known as the easiest of the metals to work.The first use of gold as money occurred when Lydian (the ancient people of Anatolia, Turkey) merchants produced a mixture of gold and silver known as ‘electrum’. And then, it became a measurable unit of value. It was owned by the powerful and well connected and we can say that this concept of money allowed the World’s economies to expand and prosper. Contrary to volatility of the Bitcoin recent financial crisis and investment risks, gold currency is considered the safest form of money.
Contrary to volatility of the Bitcoin, recent financial crisis and investment risks, gold currency is considered the safest form of money. Even if an economic crisis would result in (temporary) deflation, you would be relatively better off with gold than being in paper money or paper assets.